Update from the Indian Churches During Covid-19 Lockdown


An intro (bear with me as I get to the update):

I keep telling this phrase often, “We are part of history now.” All of us are aware that the current Covid-19 situation is something no one alive has ever experienced and it will be etched in the history of mankind. After the initial novelty of the lockdown situation, many of us woke up to the fact that we would have to think outside the box and think quick, since this situation is not changing any time soon.

With the lockdown in effect, worship centers closed down and social distancing implemented, I could see the leadership of the church spring into action very fast, globally and locally. Ideas were shared and plans were made and executed. Even as we continue to explore many such ideas to connect with members and friends in lockdown, the services provided by the church continue to be rolled out and they continue to create an impact.

We hear more news of deaths and devastation and that can drain us of our faith and make us despondent. God, in his immense and ultimate knowledge, has already shown us through his words how to respond to such a situation. We needed guidance from those who could understand his perspective and thankfully we have had plenty to guide us. From the lesson taught by local evangelists to the lessons and devotionals shared online by our dear brothers and sisters across the globe, it has been so very helpful and continues to inspire many here.

The churches in India, like everywhere else, have grown proportionately on the virtual platform in reaching out to members and friends alike, using social media tools. From Zoom to Google Duo, to WhatsApp video and simple phone conference calls, everybody is being reached out to. Every ministry is being reached out to through these channels. Most of us are feeling that we seem to be more in touch and close to one another than before the lockdown! We surely live in interesting times.

Across the nation, midweek meetings are continued using either online conference platforms, or phone calls where members can hear in. Online conference platforms have also been used for Kids Kingdom meetings, Teens, Singles, Campus meetings. Many disciples join the online church live service provided by Keydogo via YouTube and they also continue to be updated by the Keydogo update videos, which are a boon in such times. Many Campus, Singles and Teens enjoyed specific international devotionals hosted on the Keydogo and Disciples Today YouTube channel.

The Sunday services are a combination of pre-recorded services made available on online portals and YouTube Channels or services through conference platforms. Those who do not have smart phones join in to services on conference calls. A 30-day devotional video series titled “At The Feet Of The Cross” was recently completed. It was prepared by evangelists from Bangalore in English, and translated in two other languages. Many members and friends felt that the points shared during this series helped them reflect deeply, especially during these trying times. A new series titled “Promises of God” for 30 days is being rolled out shortly on the same channel.

For most members using these tools has been a big learning curve and it continues to be. The good news is that they are getting quite acquainted with these plans and are drawing more close to one another, relationships are growing deeper, more time is being spent on meditating scriptures, teens and campus are getting more connected to parents and elders, studies are progressing and above all, family devotions seem to be happening on a more consistent basis. Fasting prayers, chain prayers, group prayers are helping everyone to find strength in God and move forward with faith and hope.

Another aspect of the current situation to which the church has responded is the economic situation of the members, many of whom depend on daily wages. The church planned and helped out hundreds of families across the nation with grocery support for those families. Few have also been helped to manage with some little financial support, wherever possible. Plans are being carved out to see how such help can be sustained.

Thanks, Scott